Session 25 begins with comments on the Book of Ruth, which is rich in detail and easy to read and understand. The session then moves to an introduction to the great judge and prophet Samuel. His mother prayed for a child, and made and kept a promise to God, presenting her young son to the high priest Eli to be trained for a lifetime of service to the Lord.
Verses: 1 Sam. 1:1-28; 1 Sam. 2:11-21, 27-36; 3:1-7
Teacher: John Schoenheit
Session 5 follows the events in Genesis from the record of Cain and Able through Noah and the Flood. It discusses why Cain’s sacrifice...
Session 34 details specific instructions from the Law of Moses that Solomon ignored. Solomon spent 7 years building the Temple, then 13 years building...
Session 33 describes a promising start for Solomon as he ruled with the wisdom God had blessed him with. He built the Temple and...