Session 29 vividly contrasts the heart of Saul with the heart of David. Saul went from bad to worse and did not repent from sin. David also made mistakes and sinned, but admitted his error, sought God’s forgiveness, and did what he could to make amends. Many Israelites who were in distress joined David and looked to him for leadership.
Verses: 1 Sam. 18:1-30; 19:1; 20:30-34; 21:1-5; 22:1-23
Teacher: John Schoenheit
Session 5 follows the events in Genesis from the record of Cain and Able through Noah and the Flood. It discusses why Cain’s sacrifice...
Session 31 studies the record of David expanding his kingdom and making Jerusalem his capital city. He is humbled and deeply moved when God...
Session 13 describes the children of Israel crossing the Red Sea, in which Pharoah and the Egyptian army drown. Egypt is destroyed politically, socially,...