Session 7 - Abraham, the Father of all them that Believe

December 10, 2021 00:42:01
Session 7 - Abraham, the Father of all them that Believe
A Journey Through the Old Testament
Session 7 - Abraham, the Father of all them that Believe

Dec 10 2021 | 00:42:01


Show Notes

Session 7 follows the life of Abram (later renamed Abraham) travelling from Ur to the land that God promised to give to him and his descendants. The geography of the land is described as Abram moves through it, travels to Egypt and back, gives a portion to his nephew Lot, and meets the priest Melchizedek. The session concludes with an explanation of the blood covenant and God’s unbreakable promise to Abram.

Verses: Gen. 11:27-32; 12:1-20; 13:1-18; 14:8-20; 15:1-19; Heb.7:1-18

Teacher: John Schoenheit

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