Session 34 details specific instructions from the Law of Moses that Solomon ignored. Solomon spent 7 years building the Temple, then 13 years building his own palace. While accumulating huge wealth for himself, he heavily taxed the people, forced them to provide unpaid labor, and gave away part of the Promised Land. Finally, he built temples to pagan gods on the mountain overlooking Jerusalem and the Temple of Yahweh.
Verses: 1 Kings 7:1, 7-8; 9:1-15; 10:1-29; 11:1-13, 41, 43; 2 Chron. 9:12; Deut. 17:16-20
Teacher: John Schoenheit
Session 23 briefly discusses Jephthah and the daughter he sacrificed to the Lord. Then it begins an in-depth look at Samson and his early...