The Book of Jonah, although short, contains many important lessons. Session 37 showcases the use of research materials to pinpoint when Jonah lived, the extent of his travels, and why he ran away from God. The record of Jonah also illustrates the difference between obedience from a pure heart and ineffective religious rituals.
Verses: 2 Kings 14:23-25; Jonah 1:1-17; 1 Kings 14:14-16; Matt. 12:38-41; Luke 11:29-30
Teacher: John Schoenheit
Session 34 details specific instructions from the Law of Moses that Solomon ignored. Solomon spent 7 years building the Temple, then 13 years building...
Session 30 explores how David strengthened himself to be successful in the many challenges he faced. In the midst of that, Saul continued on...