Session 23 briefly discusses Jephthah and the daughter he sacrificed to the Lord. Then it begins an in-depth look at Samson and his early life as a judge in Israel. Samson’s birth was foretold to his parents by an angel of the Lord, who instructed them to raise him as a Nazirite. Samson shocked his parents with his request to marry a Philistine woman.
Verses: Judg. 13:1-24; 14:1-20; 15:1-5; Amos 4:1-2
Teacher: John Schoenheit
Session 5 follows the events in Genesis from the record of Cain and Able through Noah and the Flood. It discusses why Cain’s sacrifice...
In this session, we see how Samuel grew and served under the high priest Eli. But Eli was weak, his sons were corrupt, and...
Session 41 begins with the account of Nebuchadnezzar carrying some of the children of Jerusalem’s nobility away to Babylon so he can train them...