Session 32 - David: The Faithfulness of God

December 10, 2021 00:28:55
Session 32 - David: The Faithfulness of God
A Journey Through the Old Testament
Session 32 - David: The Faithfulness of God

Dec 10 2021 | 00:28:55


Show Notes

Although David sinned, he always repented and then got on with living for God. In disobedience to the Law, he numbered the fighting men of Israel, and 70,000 people died as a result. David repented and offered a sacrifice, which was accepted with fire from heaven. Following God’s instructions, he began acquiring materials for the Temple and writing down detailed plans for his successor, Solomon, to follow. 

Verses: 2 Sam. 12:15-25; Ps. 51:1-19; 1 Chron. 21:1-30; 22:5; 23:1, 24-32; 28:11-19; 29:14-30 

Teacher: John Schoenheit 

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