Session 19 opens with Israel’s defeat at Ai and the discovery of the sin of Achan. The problem was remedied, and Israel destroyed Ai. Joshua built an altar to Yahweh and read all the words of the Law to the people. The inhabitants of Gibeah deceived Joshua, who permitted them to live, thus allowing pagan idolators to live within Israel’s borders. Caleb received Hebron for his inheritance.
Verses: Josh. 7:10-26; 8:30-31; 9:1-27; 14:15-16
Teacher: John Schoenheit
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When King Belshazzar, son of Nebuchadnezzar, hosted a drunken party, a hand appeared writing a message on the wall. Daniel, by this time old...
The Book of Jonah, although short, contains many important lessons. Session 37 showcases the use of research materials to pinpoint when Jonah lived, the...