Session 15 - Moses Intercedes for Israel

December 10, 2021 00:29:11
Session 15 - Moses Intercedes for Israel
A Journey Through the Old Testament
Session 15 - Moses Intercedes for Israel

Dec 10 2021 | 00:29:11


Show Notes

Session 15 describes Moses, Aaron, and 70 elders travelling up Mt. Sinai, seeing God, and hearing His voice. Moses made subsequent trips and received more detailed commandments. In Moses’ absence, the children of Israel turned their backs on God and enticed Aaron make a golden calf. Moses interceded in prayer and saved Israel from destruction. The Levites and Moses executed the instigators of the idolatry.

Verses: Heb. 12:18-29; Ex.24:8-18; 32:1-5, 7-35; 34:1-4, 28-35; 1 John 5:2-3

Teacher: John Schoenheit

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